Rashes in children take place due to random occurrences, or a cause that is brought on by viral or bacterial element. Learn about the possible cases of skin rashes, and what signs come forth as a result.
When a skin rash comes about it can be due to any number of reasons like allergic reactions, an infection or a reaction due to some form of medication. Based on the symptoms that are evident in children, it is easier to diagnose the problem and get the required treatment for the same. Some skin rashes can go away over a course of time, but many stay on longer than expected. If the rashes are severe, where the child is ill, or shows signs of being extremely sick, then treatment needs to be given immediately.
Common Rashes in Children
Depending upon the different kinds of rashes, children will experience certain symptoms that each kind will bring on.
This is brought on by a virus called ‘rubivirus’, which isn’t a severe case scenario.
- Lymph nodes in the neck start to swell
- Formation of a pink rash, that spreads from the face, ultimately leading to a torso rash that goes away within five days
- Eyes start to look swollen and red
- Fever that reaches 102° F
- Runny nose
- Headaches
This is a condition that occurs in those who haven’t had chickenpox in the past. It can be severe in adults and newborns, if undergoing a therapy or an illness that weakens the immune system, or is undeveloped, like that of newborns. These rashes take place during a span of two weeks, and can be rather intolerable during this time.
- Blisters are initially red, later forming crusty formations
- Sore throat
- Extremely itchy skin rash and blisters
- These spots appear on the armpit, scalp, back, chest, and even groin regions
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Appetite loss
- Dry cough
- Scabby looking blisters
This skin rash disorder is brought on by the ‘staphylococcal’ bacteria. The rashes can take place on any part of the body, especially around the mouth and nose. It can bring on symptoms of itself due to a reaction to drugs, scabies, eczema and so on.
- Itchy skin rash
- It forms yellowish crush formations over the body’s present rashes
- Blisters turn into red patchy skin
- Sores that are filled with pus, can turn into ulcers in serious cases
- Blisters are fluid-like in nature
Scarlet Fever
This is brought on by the ‘streptococcus pyogenes’ bacteria. This happens when a child experiences a condition of strep throat, leading to a rash. One has to make sure that they practice good hygiene, since it can be transferred to other people on contact. Strep throat, if not treated in time, can lead to serious complications, that have nothing to do with the rash, but the illness itself.
- Rough rash, that has a dry, grainy texture to it
- Throat has patchy yellow and white areas
- Face is reddened, with only one patch of normal skin surrounding the mouth
- Fever goes up to 101° F
- Headache
- Lymph nodes in this case, start to swell up as well
- Tongue has red and bumpy protrusions on the surface
- Vomiting
- Swallowing is not easy to do
- Lines, known as ‘pastia’s lines’, form in the folds of skin, in areas like the neck, elbows, groin, and so on.
Roseola Infantum
This is caused by the ‘herpes virus 6’, and usually occurs in children that are younger than 2 years of age. Complications can arise due to high fever problems in some cases of roseola infantum.
- Rashes usually last for a period of two days
- Loss of appetite
- Infants or children feel irritable
- Eyelids start to swell
- Diarrhea
- This is one form of rashes that appear on torsos where the lesions look pink in color, and are flattened against the skin
- A rash takes place after the fever is cured
The virus responsible for this illness is the ‘paramyxovirus’. Vaccinations are given to those suffering from this, but can escalate if not treated in time, or not properly administered. This can be fatal in many cases, if not examined earlier.
- Nose is runny
- Flat blotchy skin rash
- Eyes start to swell up
- Loss of appetite
- Rashes start on the face, and move to other parts of the body (brown colored in nature)
- Eye redness
- Bluish white areas are found in the mouth, called ‘koplik’s spots’
- A dry cough comes about
- Nasal congestion
This is brought on by the ‘coxsackievirus’. This is one of the common rashes in children that causes and brings on feverish symptoms. This condition is also known as ‘hand and foot disease’.
- Appetite is poor
- Blisters form on the soles of the feet, buttocks, and palms
- Sore throat
- Painful ulcers form at the back of the throat
- Feeling irritable
- Sick sensations
Fifth Disease
This is brought on by the ‘parvovirus B19’ virus. Due to this rashes appear on the cheeks; it is also known as ‘slapped cheek’ disease. It is brought on by a significant rash, and showcases other signs as well.
- Itching sensation
- Fever is slightly high
- Stomach is upset
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Sore joints
- Fatigue
- Rash formation showcases signs that the disease is not contagious anymore
- Headache
It is important to have children monitored for the many symptoms brought on by rashes before it gets out of hand.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.