Renal Ultrasound is a painless procedure. It is performed in such a manner that the patient is allowed to leave the hospital or clinic premises right after the test is conducted. The preparation for the procedure is not too elaborate, either.
Renal ultrasound, referred to as sonography, is a test that is conducted by employing sound waves to create images of the kidney, the ureter and the bladder. During the renal ultrasound procedure, the sound waves capture the images of the kidney and display it on the computer screen. The ultrasound technician will perform this procedure for reasons connected to diagnosis of kidney diseases, to monitor the treatment after the diagnosis and to follow-up with the prognosis after the surgery is conducted. The renal ultrasound procedure, broadly, can be conducted to comprehend and take necessary action to cease kidney troubles.
With the help of ultrasound technique, the patient and the technician are sure to derive the answer to the question as to why the kidney is not functioning the way it ought to be. Signs of injury to the kidneys, enlargement in the size of the kidney, abnormalities in the kidney since birth, the presence of kidney stones, complications of a urinary tract infection (UTI) and cysts or tumors are diagnosed when renal ultrasound is administered.
Preparing for the Conduction of Renal Ultrasound
The preparation for the renal ultrasound procedure involves the ultrasound technician — also regarded as the sonographer — to physically examine the patient. The patient is asked to avoid carbonated beverages before administering the procedure. He is also asked to ensure that his bladder is full in order to conduct the test delivering thorough results. Before the procedure begins, the patient is asked to change into a gown provided by the hospital. This is done so as to facilitate the ultrasound technician to carry out the procedure with utmost ease and comfort and adjust the loose clothing according to the demands of the procedure. The physician can also provide the patient with pillows to make the patient feel more comfortable and relaxed, ensuring that these provisions don’t purport to interfere with the examination.
The renal ultrasound is conducted in the radiology center situated in the hospital. The room where the procedure is conducted is dark. It is due to this darkness, that the kidney imaging can be viewed with glaring clarity on the computer screen when displayed. The technician begins with the procedure by applying a form of gel on the patients abdomen. The ultrasound gel is then spread all over the abdomen area. This gel is cold by temperature when applied. However, the conductive gel will warm up once it stays on the patients abdomen. The body heat generated makes the gel warm.
The technician, with the help of ultrasound transducer derives images on the screen. The technician will store images that he feels would be helpful in further diagnostic procedures to be conducted, if need be. After the culmination of the procedure, the conductive gel is wiped off from the patients skin surface and is allowed to change from the hospital gown to normal attire. The procedure takes around 30 to 40 minutes to be completed successfully.
Obtaining Renal Ultrasound Results
It may take a day or two to reveal the results of the ultrasound procedure through the imaging. It is not usually possible for the practitioner to review the imaging and discuss the trouble with the patient immediately. However, in cases where the examination diagnosis is required to commence further tests and procedures, results may be procured in a matter of few hours. If your mind has shifted to the question of encountering any risk, let this article help you rest assured that there are no risks involved in administering this test. There are no harmful radiations and there is no irreversible chemical damage that occurs when you resort to this procedure.
As far as the renal ultrasound cost is concerned, it ranges from $250 to $800 approximately. The test may seem expensive; however, nothing can supplicate the importance of health, and piece of mind!