Bumps on tongue are usually ignored until they show their presence by hurting or burning sensation. There can be many reasons why bumps may appear on the tongue, under as well as on the sides.
The tongue is an important sensory organ which detects the different tastes. This muscular organ, located in the buccal cavity, is always kept moist due to the presence of salivary glands. The main function of the tongue is to differentiate between the tastes in food. It also helps in eating and while speaking. Since the tongue is exposed to food, bacteria, etc., it can result in the formation of bumps on tongue.
Causes of Bumps on Tongue
Bumps on tongue, also known as tongue ulcers, can be caused due to various reasons, some may be minor, whereas some may be a cause of concern.
- A common reason for noticing small bumps on tongue can be due to trauma. These bumps, which may be red or white in color, may be caused due to an injury to the tongue, while eating. Accidental biting, rubbing or scraping may give rise to these sore bumps on the tongue. Since the saliva has medicinal effect, these bumps may heal on their own after a while.
- Small clear bumps under tongue or on the sides may be caused because of canker sores. These mouth sores can appear as a single one or in clusters and may also erupt on the inner cheek. Though the exact reason for the occurrence of canker sores is still unknown, many doctors believe that these sores may arise as a result of allergic reactions, immunity disorders or due to heredity.
- The reason why one may notice small white bumps under tongue and also on it can be because of inflammation of the tongue due to oral lichen planus. White bumps on tongue may also be noticed due to a disorder called oral thrush, caused because of a fungal infection.
- Another cause of small red bumps under tongue is because of eating hot food or drinking hot drinks. Large or small red bumps on tongue can result due to the infestation of herpes simplex virus. These bumps on tongue can be quite distressing and painful, but they tend to go away after a week’s time.
- Health conditions like vitamin deficiency, burning tongue syndrome, certain illnesses or side effects of some medications, etc., are some other reasons for the eruption of small bumps on tongue.
Treating Bumps on Tongue
Though noticing bumps on tongue is not always a matter of grave concern, it is better to get them treated. Tongue sores may be quite frustrating since you are unable to eat your favorite foods. Certain home remedies like applying a paste of baking soda or swooshing with saline solution can effectively reduce the sores. Applying an ice pain will act as a pain reliever. In case the sores do not heal, visit a health care provider. The doctor may diagnose the exact cause of the occurrence of bumps on tongue.
Antibiotics and anti fungal medications may be prescribed in case of canker sores, oral thrush or oral lichen planus, etc. Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be administered to reduce the pain and inflammation of the bumps on back of tongue and other regions in the mouth. The physician may also prescribe other effective drugs to address this problem.
In case the small bumps on tongue turn sore or cause a lot of pain, consult your health care provider, who may diagnose the exact reason and administer appropriate treatment to provide relief. Timely diagnosis and proper medicines can prevent the occurrence of tongue cancer and other serious disorders. Stay healthy!