The gallbladder behaves as a storage organ for bile which is produced by liver. Any problems with this organ may hamper the functioning of the body. Hence it is better to undergo diagnostic tests to find out the problems and its cure in the initial stage to avoid life-threatening conditions.
Gallbladder problems are experienced more frequently by women than men. There are basically two types of gallbladder diseases: Inflammation of the gallbladder, which is known as cholecystitis and gallstone also known as cholelithiasis. Among these two, gallstone is a more common problem. It is very rarely observed at young age. Symptoms associated with the problems related to gallbladder are pain in the right side of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, intolerance of fatty food, loss of appetite, etc. These symptoms usually don’t appear in the early stage. To diagnose the diseases, there are a number of diagnostic tests to detect any gallbladder problems, which can help you to get the disease treated in its early stage.
Diagnostic Tests
There are a number of tests used to diagnose gallbladder problems. These tests are conducted by experts and can be very helpful in finding out the actual reason behind the problem. So, let’s check out the tests given below.
Blood Test
There are many blood tests for gallbladder disease. Liver Function Tests (LFTs) are conducted, which help in detecting the problem in the gallbladder. The inflammation can be detected in the blood’s amylase and lipase. Blood count test can also help in the diagnosis of any type of gallbladder problem. Increase in the count of white blood cells may indicate infection.
Using sound waves for the detection of gallstones is a very widely used method. The stone can be seen in the monitor connected to the ultrasound device. It has some restrictions like, it cannot detect the gallstone in obese people.
Endoscopic Ultrasound
In this method, an instrument which has a scope at the end is used. This instrument is then passed down to the intestine from where the doctor can see any problem inside the gallbladder. This method is very helpful in finding out gallstones as well as pancreatic cancer.
CT Scan
It is helpful in finding out the cancer in the liver and the pancreas. It is not so effective in finding out the gallstone but can be a part of the diagnosis.
ERCP or Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
In this method, a tube is inserted down the throat to the stomach which injects a dye in the ducts of the gallbladder. Then with the help of X-rays, the organs can be easily seen and the problem can be found out.
MRCP or Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography
This test uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to produce a detailed picture of the gallbladder. This helps in detecting the gallstone and any inflammation in the organ easily.
This method uses radio active material, Hydroxy Iminodiacetic Acid (HIDA), which is injected into the patient which then helps in monitoring the functioning of the gallbladder.
After the diagnosis is confirmed, the treatment is started immediately. The gallstone can either be treated with the help of medicine or if required, surgery is conducted. Weight loss, reduction in the consumption of fat and proper diet may help you get out of gallbladder related problems. It is not necessary that all the tests given in this HealthHearty article are required to be conducted. Your doctor will prescribe you the tests which will give accurate and clear results in your case.