This HealthHearty article cites information regarding respiratory acidosis vs metabolic acidosis. These disorders are characterized by high acid content in the blood and body tissues.
Increase in the acid content in the body is referred to as acidosis. It mainly occurs when the pH level falls below 7.35. There are two kinds of acidosis―respiratory and metabolic. These clinical disturbances can have several effects on the body, ranging from minor to severe.
Respiratory Acidosis
In this condition, a person’s lungs cannot fully discard carbon dioxide that is produced by the body. And hence, this causes body fluids, especially blood, to become too acidic. Apart from chest x-rays and CT scans, the individual has to do tests like arterial blood gas, basic metabolic panel, and pulmonary function. Over a long period of time, an individual can suffer from chronic respiratory acidosis leading him/her to a stable condition as the kidneys increase production of bicarbonate which helps the body restores its acidic balance.
- Asthma
- Chronic obstructive lung disease
- Scoliosis
- Severe obesity
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Pain medication with alcohol
- Confusion
- Lethargy
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Sleepiness
Treatment Options
Depending on the cause, your doctor can suggest a variety of treatment options such as giving you a bronchodilator drug that will open up obstruction in your airway, CPAP or BiPAP, oxygen, or simply ask you to stop smoking.
Metabolic Acidosis
In this condition, a person has too much acid in the body fluids because the kidneys are not removing it from the body. There are different types of metabolic acidosis―diabetic, lactic, hyperchloremic, etc.
◆ Diabetic acidosis occurs when ketone bodies start to build up in the body. This usually occurs in people who have uncontrolled type 1 diabetes.
◆ Lactic acidosis occurs when there is a build up of lactic acid in the body; it is mainly produced in the muscles cells and red blood cells. It can be caused by cancer, excess alcohol intake, liver failure, seizures, and prolonged lack of oxygen.
◆ Hyperchloremic acidosis occurs when a person loses excess amounts of sodium bicarbonate from his/her body; it can be triggered with severe diarrhea.
Other Causes
- Kidney disease
- Poisoning by aspirin
- Poisoning by ethylene glycol
- Poisoning by methanol
- Severe dehydration
- Rapid breathing
- Confusion
- Lethargy
Treatment Options
Your doctor can ask you to do an arterial blood gas, serum electrolytes, or urine pH exam. Apart from this, other tests can also be done in order to find the actual cause of metabolic acidosis as the correct course of treatment will depend on it. In certain cases, patients have been given sodium bicarbonate in order to reduce acidity in the blood.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.