Kidney diseases are very common amongst people due to the lives they lead. There are various symptoms that surface due to kidney disorders, and these get more serious as the person approaches the third stage of kidney disorders.
The kidneys are vital organs in the human body since they regulate and filter the blood, and cause impurities and waster material to be released through urine. Someone who is facing kidney problems and malfunctions need to act completely before there is a complete renal failure, because this can lead to some severe complications. In most cases though, it is very hard to detect the presence of Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) because the initial symptoms are pretty vague and acute. As time goes by, the condition worsens and it soon reaches a point of no return.
Kidney diseases are ascertained by the stage of development in which they surface, and there are 5 such stages that are medically classified. Stage 5 is the most dangerous and offers absolutely no hope of recovery, while the others are less intense. When a medical expert checks the kidney functionality of a human being, he checks the blood for levels of Creatinine. Creatinine is a material that is released by muscles of the body when they break down or are experiencing some problems.
High levels of Creatinine in the blood signify a low Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), and this is a sign that the kidneys are unable to release all the waste products of the body into the urine. The urine of the individual is also checked to detect the presence of proteins and red blood cells in them, and if this presence is found it implies that the person is suffering from CKD.
Symptoms of Stage 3 Kidney Disease
The GFR for a human being is represented in the form of mL/min/1.73 m2. People with a GFR of less than 60 for a prolonged period of time are diagnosed with kidney problems, and they need to take corrective actions immediately to prevent further damage and disruption. Symptoms are noted in people when they have a GFR between 30 – 59 mL/min/1.73 m2. Third stage is further classified into 3A and 3B for better diagnostic processes, and 3A carries a GFR of 45 – 59 mL/min/1.73 m2, whereas 3B carries a GFR of 30 – 44 mL/min/1.73 m2. Each of these values signify that the individual is at a fairly advanced stage of kidney disorders, and needs to take curative measures with immediate effect.
Here are some of the most commonly seen symptoms of this stage of kidney failure.
- If the blood pressure of an individual has been rising at a constant rate for a prolonged period of time, it could signify that the person is suffering from some chronic kidney problem.
- Edema is a condition wherein fluid collects abnormally under the skin of an individual, thus causing it to swell up. This is also a direct indicator of failing kidneys.
- If an individual is suffering from anemia and constant fatigue and tiredness, it could be a potential symptom. Erythropoietin is a hormone that regulates red blood cells in the body, and kidney failure leads to a failure of the synthesis of Erythropoietin. This leads to a loss of red blood cells and causes anemia.
- Azotemia is a condition where the body experiences high levels of nitrogen based compounds like urea. This leads to paleness of skin, fatigue, dry mouth, excessive thirst and Uremic Frost, a condition where urea is released through the sweat. When Azotemia reaches an extreme stage, it is known as Uremia.
- Hyperkalemia is another symptom of kidney disorders, and this is a situation where there is large accumulation of potassium in the blood and the body. Signs of this are palpitations, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, malaise and cardiac arrhythmia.
- When materials like phosphates, sulfates and uric acid accumulates in the body as a result of kidney malfunctions, it is known as Metabolic Acidosis. This can lead to comas and seizures in certain cases.
- The accumulation of phosphates in the body excessively is also known as Hyperphosphatemia. This also leads to a lowering of the calcium levels in the body. There are several symptoms attached with this condition such as the deposition of calcium in tissues, osteoporosis and the weakening of bones.
- People suffering from kidney problems also suffer from various kinds of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, which is a situation where the artery walls thicken thus leading to increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Some of these symptoms can be diagnosed easily, whereas some take months to diagnose and this is what makes kidney failure a very potent disorder. Most people discover this problem only when it is too late. The best thing to do is to consult your doctor and take up his advice on this to prevent kidney malfunctions and lead a healthy lifestyle.