So, what causes mercer staph infection? The answer lies in the question itself. But to make it easier for you to understand the concept, here is an article for your reference.
The term ‘mercer staph infection’ is more appropriately attributed as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) infection. As the name suggests clearly, the infection is caused by the pathogen which is a type or a strain of staph bacteria. The main characteristic feature of these bacteria, and a strong reason for it to be considered as a severe form of infection, is its ability to resist the effects of many antibiotics. These antibiotics are usually used to treat ordinary form of staph infections, but somehow they have become ineffective against the MRSA. Cases of mercer staph infection usually occur in people under two kinds of situations; one, when they come in contact with hospital environment or other health care settings. Here, the infections begin due to procedures such as surgeries. And the other one occurs in healthy people, through skin-to-skin transmission.
More About the Cause
In case you were not aware, staph bacteria happens to be a part of the normal flora in the skin or the nose. It does not cause any problem, unless it finds a way into the skin. This occurs when the skin incurs a cut or a wound, and this serves as a channel for these microorganisms to invade the skin and cause an infection. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the MRSA is present in a mere 1 percent of the population. So how did mercer staph infection come into being in the first place? The MRSA might have come into existence from normal strains of staph bacteria. There are reports of the use of antibiotics for cold, flu and other viral infections. However, these infections do not respond to such drugs, and this unnecessary use of antibiotics happens to be one of the reasons for creating MRSA. Also, when one antibiotic fails to eliminate every germ they target, it actually helps such pathogens learn to resist other antibiotics as well, thus, giving rise to problems such as MRSA.
Symptoms and Treatment
The symptoms vary, according to the site that has been infected by the mercer staph. For instance, you have a wound, and if that has been infected by the MRSA, then you may notice the affected area turns red or becomes tender. The formation of small red bumps might also occur, which may appear similar to boils, pimples or insect bites. These bumps may not take much time to develop into painful abscesses, that may require to be drained surgically. The situation may not be severe if the bacteria stays hidden in the skin only. However, if it makes its way deep into the body, then the condition may turn ugly. It can cause infection just about anywhere in the body, including the bones, bloodstream, joints, and even in the organs such as heart valves and lungs. These are regarded as life-threatening infections.
The treatment for mercer staph infection may include a simple surgical draining of an abscess that is still superficial. There are certain antibiotics that the bacteria has not become resistant against yet. So, if required, then the doctor may choose such types of drugs. However, as far as possible, use of antibiotics is to be omitted.
In hospitals, MRSA infected patients are kept in isolation. Doctors, and other health care providers, and even visitors are advised to use protective clothing, and follow strict hygiene. For other places, you need to keep your hands sanitized, keep your wounds covered and clean, avoid sharing personal items (after all, they are personal), make it a habit to shower after every game or any physical sport (it is best to use an antibacterial soap), and equally important is to keep clothing and bedding materials clean and sanitized.