Migraine is a severe headache, with symptoms, like, flashing lights and blind spots in front of the eyes. In this HealthHearty article, we shall look into the different types of this health condition.
Migraine is a terrible and throbbing headache that can persist for hours, and even days. The causes are many, like hormonal changes, stress, foods (usually unhealthy, processed foods) and drinks consumed, change in weather conditions, changes in sleep pattern, physical exertion, and medications. The pain arises due to the abnormal enlargement of the blood vessels. This enlargement stretches the nerve, which coils the blood vessel.
The blood vessel that is affected, is the temporal artery. This artery is located outside the skull near the temple. The stretched nerves affect the sympathetic nervous system, which is primarily responsible for digestive secretions, contraction of blood vessels, and increase in heart rate. As the sympathetic nervous system also controls the pain in the body, increased headache during a migraine attack is directly responsible for other symptoms, like, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
There are two different types of migraine based on the aura. Migraines with an aura have initial symptoms, like, lights flashing in front of the eyes, or blind spots, and those that are not preceded with these symptoms, are called migraines without aura. In fact, the types are classified according to the causes and symptoms.
The Types
Abdominal Migraine
It is observed in children from the age group of five to nine, and is accompanied with severe abdominal pain. The common symptoms associated with other types, such as, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are also observed in this condition. Abdominal pain is experienced near the navel when a child suffers from abdominal migraine. It is observed that most children with this condition, are more likely to develop headache with or without an aura, when they grow up. This can be treated with medications that are to be taken regularly to prevent it from occurring.
Basilar Migraine
This condition causes severe pain at the back of the head. Basilar migraine is observed in young adults and is accompanied with vertigo. Vertigo is a disorder, in which, there is difficulty in walking, as there is a sensation that the room or surroundings are spinning. This type falls under the category of migraines with aura. The symptoms are blurred vision, loss of balance, difficulty speaking, unconsciousness, and tingling sensation in the body. It is usually observed in people with a family history of this condition.
Classic Migraine
This is a headache, observed with an aura. The symptoms are, flashing lights seen in front of the eyes, nausea, weakness, eye pain, and usually one-sided pain in the head. Migraines without aura and basilar migraines are usually diagnosed as classic migraines. Usually, analgesics are used to treat the severe headaches.
Menstrual Migraine
It is experienced by women before or after their menstrual periods. It occurs due to the hormonal changes in the body. The oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy medications may increase its occurrence, or even intensify the headache.
Ophthalmoplegic Migraines
It causes severe pain in the eyes, and is of different types viz., silent, ocular, and ophthalmic migraines. Sometimes, the basilar migraines are also classified under this category, when there is intense pain in the eyes.
It is advisable to consult a doctor, if you get frequent headaches, to diagnose whether you are suffering from migraine. There are many home remedies for relieving the pain resulting from a migraine attack. However, consulting a doctor is always recommended before trying out any home remedy for this condition.