Exercises for upper back pain include different exercises such as the arm slide, scapular squeezes, pectoralis stretch, etc. These exercises provide relief from various problems of the upper back.
Today’s sedentary lifestyle has led to many health problems, mainly a pain in the upper back. Many people complain about these problems like upper backaches. Thus, exercises for the upper back have become necessary to avoid any kind of permanent damage to the spinal cord or the adjoining back muscles.
Upper Back Pain Exercises
Following are some easy to do upper back exercises. Regularly performing the exercises will definitely help in the long run, to lead a healthy life.
Arm Slide
In this exercise, one has to place his back against a wall. Arms need to be placed against the wall, with palms facing outwards. The exercise includes raising and lowering the arms in order to stretch the upper back muscles. The exercise should be repeated 20 times.
Scapular Squeezes
The arms should be held up at the side of the body and elbows bent, in order to perform this exercise. The palms face in the forward direction during the exercise. The arms should be stretched backwards as much as possible. The exercise will stretch the back muscles nicely. The above-mentioned action is to be repeated for about 10 times.
Thoracic Extension
The exercise is performed while sitting in a chair. Hands are held behind the head in a way that they clasp the head. In this position, the back is arched backwards. This should be done slowly. The back should be brought to the original position slowly and gently. It thoroughly exercises the back muscles.
Pectoralis Stretch
The pectoralis stretch exercise is to be done in a standing position. A suitable frame or probably a door should be used for performing this exercise. Hands should be raised and placed on the frame of the door. Lean in front, while holding the frame and stretch your back muscles. The body should be brought back to the original position slowly.
Thoracic Stretch
The exercise has to be performed in a seated position. Both the legs should be fully extended and kept in a straight position. The thighs to be firmly held by your hands. This is done to prevent the knees from bending during the exercise. The head is lowered down in order to stretch your back muscles. The head should be held in a lowered position for about 15 seconds. It provides relief from back pain as the muscles are stretched in a proper manner.
There is another type of the ‘thoracic stretch’ exercise. In this exercise, your back muscles are stretched by using both the left and right hands alternately. If we start with the left hand, the left side of the upper body should be given a twist. It is done in a way that the left elbow and shoulder are stretched forward onto the right side. The stretching should be done for 15 seconds. The same action is repeated with the right hand. In case of the right hand, the elbow and shoulders should point to the left side.
Mid Trap Exercise
This exercise is done while lying down on the stomach. A pillow is needed for this exercise. It should be placed under the chest and the hands need to be placed sideways with palms facing the floor. The arms should be raised as much as possible. In the process of performing the exercise, the shoulder blades get squeezed and help relieve any pain.
The above-mentioned exercises are a nice way to improve the strength of the upper back muscles, shoulders and spinal cord. Along with upper back exercises, different kinds of other exercises such as stretching, weight training, etc. help in maintaining a healthy body.