Vasectomy is a simple surgical procedure that is associated with few complications and quick recovery. Usually, it takes seven to ten days to recover from this surgical procedure.
Vasectomy is one of the popular methods for permanent birth control in men. It is a simple procedure that is performed in a very short time. Usually, the vasectomy procedure takes around 30 minutes, and is done as an outpatient procedure. Apart from that, this surgery is found to be 99% effective as a method of permanent contraception in men. Side effects of vasectomy are also uncommon. It is inexpensive and almost risk free, when compared to female sterilization procedures. Another advantage is that it takes only a few days to recover.
There are various types of vasectomy such as the conventional one, fascial interposition vasectomy, and no scalpel type. Discuss with your doctor and choose the right method for you. When compared to other types, the no scalpel procedure is associated with the minimum recovery time. Basically, a vasectomy procedure involves severing and sealing of vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperms to the ejaculatory duct. Normally, vasectomy is done under local anesthesia, after which, the vas deferens are taken out through an incision made on the scrotum. The vas deferens are then cut and their ends are sealed, so as to block the sperm from entering the ejaculatory duct.
Tips for Recovery
It is natural for people to get scared of surgical procedures, but vasectomy is a simple procedure that may not even require an overnight stay in the hospital. In most cases, the person who has undergone this procedure is discharged within a few hours. After taking rest for two to three days, he may resume his work schedule. However, the recovery time depends on factors, like health condition of the person, the type of vasectomy procedure, and the degree of after care.
- Before you leave the hospital after the procedure, make sure to consult the doctor for proper recovery guidelines. You have to stick to them strictly, and take proper care. As you are not supposed to drive soon after this procedure, arrange for someone else to drive you home.
- You have to take complete bed rest for at least two days, following the procedure. It will be better to keep your legs in an elevated position.
- You may experience mild discomfort and pain, as the effect of anesthesia fades with time. You may use pain killers and antibiotics, as prescribed by the doctor. However, if you experience symptoms like severe pain, fever, swelling, and discharge, seek medical attention immediately.
- After the surgery, you have to use some scrotal support for a few days, to reduce the discomfort. Frequent application of ice packs may also prove beneficial for this purpose.
- It will be better to avoid showers for two to three days after surgery. Exposure to water may result in infection of the surgical site.
- You have to keep the surgical site clean and dry. Avoid sex for a week. The same applies to exercise, heavy weightlifting, and sports. Even consumption of alcohol is not recommended during this recovery period.
Recovery Time
In normal cases, it takes a maximum of one week for those who have undergone vasectomy to recover. Some people resume work within two to three days of surgery. So most of the vasectomy procedures are found to take place on Thursday or Friday, so that the person can resume work from Monday. However, some men may develop certain complications and side effects. Such people may require more time for recovery. It has been observed that vasectomy recovery time is shorter in the no scalpel method, as there are no large incisions. In case of the conventional method that involves an incision, it may take some more time for the wound to heal.
In short, the most important thing is proper after care, which will prevent most of the complications and side effects of the surgery. Vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure and there is nothing to get scared of.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.