Bone pain is one of the vitamin D deficiency symptoms in women. This article provides some information about this condition and the other symptoms associated with it. It also includes the causes and treatment for the same.
Vitamin D is produced by the body when it is exposed to sunlight. Earlier, experts were of the opinion that its production would protect the body from rickets. However, recent studies have shown that it protects the body from many other diseases and illnesses. Thus, deficiency of vitamin D is not a desirable condition. The daily recommended value is about 400 IU of vitamin D per day for an adult. Those who are older, that is, above 50 years of age, the requirements for them increases to 600 IU per day. A person who does not get these required quantities is said to be deficient. Here are some of the symptoms of this deficiency in women.
Muscle fatigue, muscle weakness, pain in the bones, and frequent fractures are the most common symptoms in women. Other than these, the more serious symptoms include unexplained depression, low levels of energy, constant fatigue, lack of concentration, and mood swings. Other serious symptoms of low vitamin D levels include sleep disorders and other sleep irregularities. The immune system of the woman with low levels of Vitamin D is also very weak. If the women is old, the possibility of them falling a lot of times and chronic low energy levels are the very important and serious symptoms of this condition. Vitamin D3 is an important vitamin that is useful in maintaining the bone health of a woman. Poor bone structure and constant bone pain is one of the important vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms in women. The other deficiency symptoms include neurological problems and back pain. Brittle bones are also the result of this condition.
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms in pregnant women are depressive behavior, chronic pain, and severe mood swings. It is necessary that pregnant women take sufficient vitamin D as it is very important for the proper development of the fetus. In a child, soft bones, irritability, weakness, fatigue, and general poor growth and development since an early childhood, are all the results of this deficiency. Hence, it is necessary that pregnant women should consume sufficient vitamin D to avoid any deficiency.
Those who follow a vegetarian diet are at a higher risk of getting affected by this condition, since apart from the sun, all the other sources of vitamin D are animal products, like the egg yolk. Vitamin D deficiency in women is also caused if they are obese as all the vitamin D present in the blood gets absorbed by the fat cells, thereby reducing its levels in the blood. This causes a deficiency of vitamin D in the overall body. Dark-skinned women are also at the risk of getting affected by it as the melanin in their skin prevents the soaking of vitamin D from the sun. Finally, this condition in women is observed when they are not exposed to the sunlight.
Blood tests and X-rays are the ways to diagnose this condition. Once the doctor has ascertained the deficiency levels, he/she can decide on the correct course of treatments. Oral supplements are recommended and prescribed by the doctor, in order to fulfill the daily vitamin D requirements of the body. However, if the deficiency is very mild, foods rich in vitamin D are asked to be included in the daily diet. Foods like fish and eggs are very good sources of vitamin D. In severe deficiency cases, the person may need to take injections in order to fulfill the required amount. However, food sources and supplements are better than injections.
On observation of these symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical assistance. Furthermore, include vitamin D foods in your diet and soak up the early morning sun to get rid of this deficiency.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.