Amongst all minerals vital for a healthy body, calcium is rated to be the most important one. It is not uncommon to find people relying on calcium nutritional supplements to meet the daily requirements of this mineral in their bodies. But why do calcium deficiency occurs? In this article, we will find out calcium deficiency reasons.
The importance of calcium in our body can be attributed to the fact that 99% of our bones and teeth are made of calcium! Most of the calcium is stored in bones and teeth and is utilized by body as per the needs. If there is calcium deficiency in the body, it will withdraw calcium from bones leaving them weak and vulnerable to frequent injuries or even fractures.
Reasons of Calcium Deficiency in the Body
To strengthen the bones in children, adults and old aged individuals, it is essential to intake calcium rich foods in daily diets. For people not suffering from major medical problems of calcium deficiency, their dietary intake can provide healthy levels of calcium in the body. However, for some people who have severe problems of calcium deficiency, it is advisable to meet a medical expert and include prescribed calcium supplements in the daily diet. Weak bones, indigestion, diarrhea, defective teething, lower body resistance are some medical problems children may face due to lack of calcium in the body. In young girls and boys, calcium deficiency leads to puberty complications. Similarly, in pregnancy cases and in old aged individuals, lack of this essential mineral causes hosts of problems. Let us understand why there calcium deficiency occurs in individuals.
➟ In children and teenagers, the peak age of bone development is between 9 to 18 years. A major part of bone mass is gathered during these years. Lack of calcium in this age is majorly due to low consumption of calcium rich foods in daily diets.
➟ Many people suffer from lack of calcium in the body due to medical complications like kidney and eating disorders. In diseases related to the kidneys, there is a fluctuation in the calcium levels in the blood. In such cases, kidneys will excrete more calcium by absorbing from the deposits of calcium stored in the bones and teeth.
➟ In women, postmenopause phase can trigger the risk of calcium deficiency due to lack of female hormone estrogen in the body. Estrogen felicitates absorption of calcium in the body.
➟ In older people, especially those who are 50 years or older, lack of vitamin D is cited to be the major cause of calcium deficiency. Vitamin D, as known to us, is a major stimulant for calcium absorption in the body.
➟ Many individuals suffer from lactose intolerance problems, that is, they find it difficult to absorb lactose, the sugar compounds found in milk and dairy products (major providers of calcium in our daily diets). If the individuals don’t take dairy products, they may lack in sufficient quantities of calcium in the body.
➟ Aging is also known to increase the risk of calcium deficiency in the body. As our body ages, the ability of its organs like kidneys, intestines decreases, thereby leading to poor absorption of minerals like calcium.
So, did you get the reasons behind calcium deficiency? The above mentioned causes are amongst the common causes of lack of calcium in people. Including calcium rich foods in the diets is very important and if need arises, after consultation with your family doctor, you must take a calcium nutritional supplement. Eating healthy by including fruits and vegetables in diets is also very important. In the wake of the pizza and fast food culture, fruits have taken a back seat in the US. It is important for parents to daily offer fruits in some form to their kids.
For people of all ages, it is a great step to go for a complete medical check up, know what’s lacking in the body and then make efforts to achieve healthy doses of minerals that are in lower amounts in the body. For updated statistics and information regarding calcium intake, its benefits, FDA approved supplements, call the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Toll Free: 888-INFO-FDA (888-463-6332).