Pain after urination can be due to a urinary tract infection or inflammation of the prostate. Drinking adequate water everyday is one of the best ways to reduce pain after peeing.
Did You Know?
Apart from consuming sufficient water daily, drinking carrot juice and buttermilk can also work wonders to alleviate and prevent pain after urinating.
Trouble urinating or pain after urination, cannot be taken lightly, and is often related to issues associated with the urinary system of the body. The pain may last for a minute or two after peeing. The pain may vary from mild discomfort to excruciating pain and in such cases, the person may desist from urinating.
Reasons for Discomfort After Peeing
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
This is one of the most common reasons why men and women experience pain after urinating. The urinary tract system is primarily composed of organs such as the bladder, kidneys, ureters, urethra and the prostate. These are the organs that help the body to eliminate the urine. So when a person says he is suffering from UTI, then any one of the organs are affected. In case the bacteria has invaded the bladder, the person is bound to experience bladder pain after urination.
Pain post urination in men can also occur as a consequence of prostatitis (swelling of the prostate gland). As we all know prostate is a gland that surrounds the neck of the urethra. Basically, urethra are tubes that transfer the stored urine in the bladder, for elimination. Inflammation of the prostate may cause compression in the neck of the prostate, leading to interference in the free flow of urine. Thus, the person is not satisfied even after urination and may have to urinate frequently to empty the bladder. The partial blockage of the urethra can cause pain post urination.
Patients suffering from pain after urination, should stay away from alcoholic and caffeinated beverages as well as avoid spicy foodstuffs and smoking.
Women complaining about burning pain post urination, is indicating vaginitis, a condition that causes swelling of the vagina. Vaginitis can be the result of a yeast or a bacterial infection. Vaginitis not only causes pain after urinating in women but can also bring discomfort during intercourse. Itchy vagina is another side effect of vaginitis that can cause extreme irritation.
Genital Herpes
This viral infection that affect the sex organs is typically marked by pain during sexual intercourse and after urination. The patient may also notice small itchy bumps on the genital areas. Having sex with an infected partner is the most common reason for the spread of genital herpes.
Kidney Stones
Pain during and after urination accompanied by back pain is suggesting presence of kidney stones that is trapped somewhere in ureters. Ureters are tubular structures that allow the urine to move from the kidneys to the bladder. Change in urine color is also observed due to formation of kidney stones. Urine color may appear reddish-brown and more importantly the patient experiences the urge to urinate frequently. So, even though the urine output is very less, the unusual urge to urinate continues to bother the patient.
Bladder Problems
Formation of tumor in the bladder can also cause pain while urinating but the discomfort can last well after peeing. In this case, the pain that one feels after urinating actually originates from the bladder. If it is not bladder tumor, then it might be a stone that is trapped in the bladder neck. Interstitial cystitis is yet another medical problem associated with bladder that can bring discomfort post urination. In this condition, the bladder wall appears swollen and the inflammation does not go away so easily. To put simply, chronic swelling of the bladder wall is the hallmark of interstitial cystitis. Pain during sexual intercourse and urinary urgency are some of the most common symptoms of interstitial cystitis.
Prostate Cancer
When cancerous cells are formed in the prostate gland (an integral part of the male reproductive system), the condition is referred to as prostate cancer. In most cases, the cancer in this walnut shaped gland spreads slowly, hence the symptoms cannot be detected early. However, when the cancer spreads to nearby tissues and organs, the person experiences pain post a urinating session and is sometimes accompanied by blood in the urine.
Holding Urine
One should go to the toilet whenever necessary. The habit of procrastinating urination despite urine bladder filled to its capacity is bound to cause pain after peeing. Many people have the tendency to hold the urine and postpone going to the toilet. This can have a negative impact on the bladder muscles as well as cause burning sensation after urination.
Treating the underlying cause is the key to reduce the pain post urination. For, vaginitis, prescription drugs or creams such as metronidazole or clotrimazole are commonly used, depending upon the type of infection. On the other hand, pain relievers as well as alpha blockers are used to improve symptoms of prostatitis.