Fever is generally an accompaniment of a number of ailments and health troubles; some minor, some deleterious, and some fatally pernicious. A persistent high fever may prove to be an indicative tool for detecting underlying ailments which may pose a threat to one’s well-being. …
Fever could be a mundane ailment that strikes one in order to put up a brave front against the invasion of infection. We define fever by the symptoms that we endure and the signs that we notice. Feeling warm, nostrils flaring up while exhaling warm air, headache, muscle ache are some of the symptoms; whereas watery eyes, dark reddish lips, weakness and wobbling of the feet are the signs. Many of us mistake fever for an illness, however, we fail to realize that fever is a symptom of an illness, especially when one runs persistent high fever. When our body temperature rises, it is indicative of some discrepancy in the system.
Fever may reside in the system for a day or two or it may stay for long. Concern over one’s body temperature escalates when the fever becomes chronic or persistent in nature. The fever, when remains high for hours on end, requires medical attention. The temperature may dip once medication is administered, nevertheless, when the potency of the pill reduces the fever resumes its original intensity.
Symptoms of Persistent High Fever
The symptoms in adults and children are more or less the same when fever is experienced.
- Rise in temperature
- Temperature shoots up once the effect of the pill expires
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Body ache and muscle pull
- Shivers or chills
- Seizures (when the temperature crosses 104º C.)
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Constipation (due to intake of antibiotics or certain medications)
Causes of Persistent High Fever
Viral Infections
Viral infections, accompanied by severe flu symptoms such as cold and cough and watery eyes, may be the cause of the rise in temperature. Seizures may not be the case if the fever is not too high, however, it may occur if the fever is high. Body ache and restlessness is common.
It is when toddlers are teething that persistent fever can be the case. There are some children who develop fever during teething, whereas some children have little or no rise in temperature during the period of teething.
Bacterial Infections
Infections such as strep throat and urinary tract infection can also cause high fever in children and adults. Bacteria may flare up and cause the infection to increase thereby causing persistent fever in children.
Chickenpox Virus
It may be possible that your child is developing chickenpox. It is an ailment in which children develop nodule like boils with pus or without pus all over the body with fever and an uncontrollable urge to itch all over. Till the virus remains, fever will be persistent.
Ear Infections
When there is an infection in the ear due to water slipping into the ears during a bathing session, fever may develop and continue for a long period. The water may seep in and due to the damp conditions inside the ear, an infection can be caused.
Food Poisoning
Children, usually are not very particular about what they are eating. It is due to this that children may develop an infection, which may lead to a persistent fever. Adults too may endure food poisoning, as sometimes we too become negligent and without paying much attention, ingest contents that are not right for us.
If one does not have a bowel movement regularly, he is bound to feel weak and garner no will to consume his meals well. Fevers are mild due to constipation, however, when a child is unable to pass a bowel movement for more than 4 to 5 days, his body temperature may rise and may remain high.
Heat Strokes
Heat strokes could be another cause of persistent fever. Playing out in the sun for long may lead to the individual falling sick accompanied with diarrhea and high persistent fever.
This is a condition in adults where the pancreas gets affected by becoming inflamed. Fever and abdominal pain with diarrhea are the accompanying symptoms of pancreatitis.
Also prevalent in children, however, rare in nature, it is one of the primary causes of persistent fever in adults. The membranes that surround the brain and the spinal cord get inflamed due to which the fever persists for a longer time.
Treatment for Persistent Fever
If you find that the fever is not dipping, you might as well call the doctor. Make sure that you tell him all about how it started and what type of self medication have you implied for yourself. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen are administered to adults and children. However, the dosage must be confirmed with a doctor and only then administered on oneself or to the child.
The medication that is prescribed to the child must be administered initially under proper guidance as the medications are all the more concentrated than diluted. Dab towels dipped in cool water on the forehead to aid the temperature dip faster. Consume bland food; nothing spicy. Drink a lot of water; water drains out the toxins and also helps children pass a smooth and trouble-free bowel movement.
Persistent high fever could thus be a cause of concern due to the above-given reasons. With the treatment aids provided, make sure that you consult the doctor if the condition refuses to succumb. Advice is best imparted by the medical practitioner.